Hey, I'm Finn! I make things on computers.

Curiosity has led me down many different pathways - including music, programming, and interactive design. The words which I most often use to describe myself are as follows:

  • Composer / Producer
  • Sound designer
  • Multi-Instrumentalist
  • Programmer
  • Game designer
  • Pretty chill guy

I reside in the magical city of Wellington, New Zealand. Here I studied at Victoria Univeristy, and attained the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Media Design
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Music, specialising in Composition and Sonic Arts (Endorsed with Distinction)

Here you may listen to and observe some of the various things which I have made and contributed to over the years. Please enjoy your stay. :-)

Keen to work together? Flick me an electronic mail at finn.mitchellanyon@gmail.com


